Establishing the Genetic Basis of Circadian Rhythms: A Landmark Study
Learn about basic property of free-running periods of circadian oscillators
Luciferase Reporters for Cyanobacteria in Circadian Research
Learn how luciferase reporters are used to study circadian rhythms in cyanobacteria
Circadian Clock-Controlled Genes Part 1
An introductory tutorial video on the mechanisms of mammalian molecular circadian clock regulation, and how the clock regulates other genes.
Structural Changes of the Cyanobacterial Clock
Watch the structural nanomachine of the cyanobacterial circadian oscillator come to life in this video made by our colleagues.
The 2-Process Model of Sleep
Learn how a homeostatic drive and the circadian clock control the timing of sleep
Exploring Processes C and S Part 2: Forced Desynchrony
Learn how sleep researchers use a "forced desynchrony" protocol to separate effects of processes C and S on sleep
Avian Photoreception
Virtually perform landmark experiments in avian circadian photoreception with our "Ex-Sparrow-ment" Simulator
Photoperiodic Flowering Part 1
Discover how plants measure night- and day-length to determine when to flower
Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock Output Mechanism
Discover how the core circadian oscillator in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus sends output to regulate timing
Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Attention and Mood
Learn about the effects of sleep deprivation on attention and mood.
Cyanobacterial Circadian Oscillator
Discover how three proteins interact to make a circadian oscillator mechanism in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus
Cellular Oscillators
Learn about "clocks in a dish," and how in vitro mammalian clocks can be used to study circadian rhythms
Time Memory in Bees
Learn about landmark experiments that established internal clocks as the source of circadian rhythms in animals
Fluence Response Curves and Action Spectra Series
Discover how action spectra are derived from fluence response curves
The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus: Lesion & Transplant Experiments
Learn about landmark experiments that demonstrated the role of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in circadian rhythms
Bioluminescent and Fluorescent Reporters in Circadian Rhythm Studies
Read about the biology, application, and experimental design of fluorescent reporters in circadian studies
Luciferase Reporters for Mammals in Circadian Research
Learn how luciferase reporters are used to study circadian rhythms in mammals
Exploring Processes C and S Part 1: Napping Protocol
Learn how sleep researchers use a "napping" protocol to separate effects of processes C and S on sleep
Photoperiodic Flowering Part 2
Part 2, the advanced mechanisms how plants measure night- and day-length to determine when to flower
Luciferase Reporters in Circadian Research
Learn how luciferase reporters are used in circadian biology