The BioClock Studio proudly presents…

Neurobiology Techniques

Learn about neuroscience techniques relevant to circadian biology

Mammalian Retina and Photoreceptors

Understand the biology behind photoreception in mammals

Free-Running Periods

Learn about basic property of free-running periods of circadian oscillators

Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Attention and Mood

Learn about the effects of sleep deprivation on attention and mood.

Avian Photoreception

Virtually perform landmark experiments in avian circadian photoreception with our "Ex-Sparrow-ment" Simulator

In-Lab Video Series: Rodent Wheel-Running Experiment

Learn how to design, perform, and analyze a rodent wheel-running experiment.

The 2-Process Model of Sleep

Learn how a homeostatic drive and the circadian clock control the timing of sleep

Cellular Oscillators

Learn about "clocks in a dish," and how in vitro mammalian clocks can be used to study circadian rhythms

Phase Response Curves

Understand phase response curves, an important - but tricky! - circadian concept