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Mentors | Students


Alan Doan

Major: Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2021
Hobbies & Interests: Bowling, drawing, and hiking
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I wanted to make a meaningful contribution to the Circadian Rhythms class, using what I learned to make the class easier for future students. I’m also fascinated by circadian biology and I hope to learn even more about it through BioClock!

Alston Wong

Major: Human Biology, 2020
Hobbies & Interests: Volleyball, drawing, and snowboarding
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I started off as a volunteer in Dr. Gorman’s lab, where I became engaged in circadian biology research. After becoming an IA for BIMM116, I realized that teaching circadian biology was not only fun but fulfilling, so I developed a passion for teaching and joined Bioclock Studio!!

Belle Hilton

Major: Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2020
Hobbies & Interests: Irish dance, reading, and enjoying nature
Why I joined BioClock Studio:  I joined BioClock Studio because I am passionate about science education. Despite its involvement in important bodily systems, circadian biology is a relatively small field in biology, so it is important to put accurate information out there that will hopefully inspire the next generation of researchers.

Ben Chan

Major: Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2020
Hobbies & Interests: Board games, cooking, and table tennis
Why I joined BioClock Studio:  The Bioclock Studio offers the perfect environment to express my passion for education and love of biology. I was thrilled by the opportunity to empower future students and educate the general public on such a fundamental facet of life.

Chris Mason

Major:  Human Biology, 2021
Hobbies & Interests: Astronomy, poetry, and aviation
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I took Circadian Rhythms-Biological Clocks last quarter and was intrigued by just how intertwined circadian biology is with all aspects of life and health. I joined BioClock Studio so that I could continue to learn about circadian biology and to help educate others about this exciting subject.

Dan Ly

Major: Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2021
Hobbies & Interests: Basketball, traveling, and eating
Why I joined BioClock Studio: BioClock Studio gave me the opportunity to help other students learn Circadian Biology, as I saw some things that could be improved as I was taking the course. A lot of my skill sets outside of academics also overlapped well with the studio’s interest.

Edward Huang

Major: Neurobiology and Biological Anthropology, 2020
Hobbies & Interests: Basketball, hiking, road trips
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I joined BioClock Studio because it is an excellent opportunity to get involved with researchers and create material that is fun, lasting, and intelligent that can be used as tools for teaching generations of future students. In addition, I believe Circadian Biology has critical implications to health but is often misunderstood, so to be able to help educate others in the field will be rewarding.

Ejon Mannil

Major: Molecular and Cell Biology, 2020
Hobbies & Interests: Outdoors, traveling, and gym
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I found this class would be useful in bringing skills out of myself that I have not used in other science-based courses. These skills consist of public speaking, creativity, reading through scientific papers, and working collaboratively. 

Emily Tran

Major: Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2020
Hobbies & Interests: Makeup, cooking, and skincare
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I was really interested in circadian rhythms and the format of this class is really unique. I often utilize educational materials to better understand topics that I am trying to learn, so I wanted to be able to be on the creating side of the educational material.

Joshua Plum

Major: Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience, 2020
Hobbies & Interests: Reading, spearfishing, and cooking
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I joined BioClock Studio because I love learning about how we are biologically bound to our physical environment. This is a very important area of research that needs to be understood by top experts and the public alike.

Kyle Okamuro

Major: Human Biology, 2020
Hobbies & Interests: Fishing, reading, and photography
Why I joined BioClock Studio:  I found myself attracted to the BioClock Studio because of the unique space it offers to collaborate and create. The prospect of working with students from a diverse range of disciplines towards the creation of something that I would not be able to do on my own was something I couldn’t pass up.

Lukas Lee

Major: MS student in Biology, 2020
Hobbies & Interests: Soccer, watch movies, and travelling around the world
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I got super into circadian biology after my master’s research about it, trying to learn more about the importance of it. I hope more students get more involved and interested in circadian biology and find the materials we make entertaining!

Natalie Tong

Major: Human Biology, 2021
Hobbies & Interests: Photography, fitness, and traveling
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I’ve struggled with insomnia my whole life and wanted to learn more about circadian rhythm sleep disorders and the causes/effects, which prompted me to take BIMM 116 / PSYCH 133. I absolutely loved the class, and wanted to immerse myself in circadian biology further!

Orianna Borrelli

Major: General Biology, 2021
Hobbies & Interests: Crocheting, journalism, and eco-feminism!
Why I joined BioClock Studio: Chronobiology is an incredibly interesting field, and one that further piqued my interest after taking BIMM 116 in Fall 2019. I wanted to take the opportunity to work with researchers and create content that could actually help students like me in future BIMM 116 classes.

Saisantosh Attaluri

Major: General Biology, 2021
Hobbies & Interests: Ultimate frisbee, soccer, listening to music
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I learned a lot from the different products BioClock Studio had to offer when I was taking Circadian Rhythms. I loved that I had the opportunity to create new educational tools to help students better understand concepts related to the class and for people who just have a general interest in Circadian rhythms and want to learn more!

Sam Tavarajah

Major: Human Biology, 2020
Hobbies & Interests: Dogs, tennis, and food
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I really enjoyed learning about circadian rhythms last quarter and wanted another opportunity to enhance my circadian biology knowledge further. Being able to make content that would be taught in future classes was an opportunity that I could not miss out on!

Terry Lin

Major: Biological Sciences PhD student
Hobbies & Interests: Cooking, video games, and Western blotting.
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I love the informative graphics and videos that BioClock Studio has come up with. They are inspiring tools that can help teach circadian rhythms to the general public. I hope to be able to create media to explain the importance of rhythms and health.

Uli Sun

Major: Molecular Biology, 2021
Hobbies & Interests: Film, cooking, and videography
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I was very interested in the idea of creating lecture materials from primary literature, as I believe that the complexity of a scientific paper can often alienate readers. At the same time, I enjoy any opportunity to create using my knowledge and skill, which is something that I often have little chance to do as a biology major.

Ximei Ackerman

Major: Human Biology and Human Health Psychology, 2020
Hobbies & Interests: Art, music, and video games
Why I joined BioClock Studio: The BioClock Studio provides a collaborative and creative environment in which I can fully explore my passion for art, teaching, and biology! I am ecstatic to contribute to the BioClock Studio mission of educating and empowering curious minds all over the world.


Adam Seluzicki

Field of Study: Plant responses to changing light and temperature 
Hobbies & Interests: Music, art, and mythology
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I think project-based learning experiences are incredibly valuable, and we need new ways to learn and teach complex concepts such as circadian biology. BCS provides a great environment and opportunity for both.

Karen Tonsfeldt

Field of Study: Circadian control of reproduction
Hobbies & Interests: Sewing, learning guitar, and chasing toddlers.
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I think circadian rhythms are the most interesting biological phenomena because of how wide-spread they are, both physiologically and phylogenetically. I enjoy working with students to increase our understanding of circadian rhythms.

Lauren Chun

Field of Study: Circadian rhythms and their role in reproductive function
Hobbies & Interests: Rock climbing, bike touring, and camping
Why I joined BioClock Studio: I mentor BioClock Studio because it is a unique project-based course where mentors get to work closely with students. It’s also a great opportunity to be a part of a class that integrates science, art, communication, and outreach.

Liz Harrison

Field of Study: Interventions to improve circadian and sleep health in shift workers
Hobbies & Interests: Being in the ocean, playing board games, and singing karaoke
Why I joined BioClock Studio: It’s the perfect combination of a bunch of things I love – clocks, mentoring, science communication, and creativity!

Mark Perelis

Field of Study: I studied circadian rhythms, specifically molecular genetics and systems physiology, as an undergraduate and graduate student and I am now a postdoc in an RNA biology group studying how RNA binding proteins regulate circadian rhythms and metabolic physiology.
Hobbies & Interests: Skiing, running, cooking
Why I joined BioClock Studio: Circadian rhythm biology has been a big part of how I learned about and became interested in biomedical research. I am a part of the BioClock Studio because I think circadian biology is a great way to introduce students and aspiring scientists to complex biology and also because I want to encourage others to learn about circadian clocks and support clock research.to learn and teach complex concepts such as circadian biology. BCS provides a great environment and opportunity for both.

Susan Golden

Field of Study: Circadian rhythms in cyanobacteria
Hobbies & Interests: Scuba diving, reading excellent novels, and nature walks 
Why I joined BioClock Studio: The BioClock Studio is an extraordinary opportunity to expand the definition of teaching. Working closely with mentors and students is fun and rewarding, and the products enhance my classroom teaching and educate people worldwide.
