2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022


Haroon Masood
Hi, my name is Haroon Masood. I am a 4th year Human Biology major at UC San Diego. I have taken BIMM116 Circadian Rhythms-Biological Clocks before and I am now looking forward to bridging the gaps between students, teachers, and researchers. My goal is to work in a team and provide resources and material for students to better understand Circadian Biology. With my teaching and science background, I hope to foster a sense of excitement in students when learning about what can be an intimidating subject.

Stephanie Leon
I walked into UCSD’s Circadian Rhythms-Biological Clocks class with a simple interest in the topic and eagerness to learn its content in order to fulfill a graduation requirement and found it to be a surprisingly formidable subject. When I learned that this particular science was a relatively new field in need of support, with the heart of it in UCSD, the subject appealed even more to me. I love helping others understand difficult subjects as much as I enjoy learning them myself and joined the BioClock Studio for this very passionate, but simple reason of mine. I aspire to partake in making the learning experience more enjoyable, entertaining, and fun for students in order to instill a feeling of confidence and interest rather than defeat and frustration. I’ve had the pleasure of learning the effectiveness of this mindset from my tutoring experiences and wish to communicate this optimistic attitude to my peers in the scientific community as well as contribute my skills to the forefront of modern circadian biology.

Dohhun Kwon
I am a third year undergraduate student at UCSD who is majoring Management Science. My major does not relate to the science field, so when I heard about this BioClock Studio class, it was very interesting and new to me. I am very excited to be a member of this class, and am looking forward to working and learning about circadian rhythm with people who have different majors and skills. I am very happy to participating in this course constructing its own format, and ideas

Jenny Lee
I am a second-year Bioinformatics major who enjoys working on multimedia projects, which is why I find BioClock Studio’s fusion of science and arts really exciting. I loved my time during the first BioClock Studio in winter 2015, and proposed the Chronopedia project that I am now working on in winter 2016. As of recently, I have begun conducting research in Dr. Golden’s lab under the wonderful mentorship of predoctoral student Ben Rubin. When I am not surrounded by cyanobacteria, I occasionally bake, read, and make spontaneous late-night food runs

Thao Nguyen
I am currently a third year Biochemistry major at UCSD who is also extremely into graphic design and art in general. If I’m not immersed in studying biology or chemistry, you can easily find me drawing in a sketchbook and designing on an adobe program. When I first heard about the BioClock Studio, I knew I had to be in it because it’s so rare for me to come across something involving both science and art. I’ve always believed that science courses should use more visuals to help enhance learning, and I’m super excited to be a part of an organization that does so.

Jared Kim
As a fourth year Human Biology student here at UC San Diego, I’ve been extremely fortunate to experience several different fields of Biology at different universities. I began my undergraduate work at UC Santa Barbara where I found my love for learning about biological systems in living organisms. An opportunity at UC Santa Barbara arose where I worked in an Environmental Biology lab and got my first taste of field work. My studies took me abroad to the University of Sussex in Brighton, England where I continued engaging in field work, but in an immensely different environment and culture. I’m excited to be a part of the BioClock Studio here at UC San Diego and to assist in pushing the forefront of circadian biology education.

Stephen Trac
I am a fifth year Cognitive Science major with a speciality in Human Computer Interactions and a minor in Biology. I’ve always had an interest in the topic of Circadian Biology due to my everlasting love of sleep, but an equally powerful frustration at my lack of understanding of why we do it. Therefore, I joined the BioClock Studio hoping to learn as much as I can about Circadian Rhythms, and to apply my skills in user experience design to the lab in any way I can.

Dahlia Dominguez
Hello! My name is Dahlia and I am a third year Interdisciplinary Computing and the Arts major candidate with a minor in General Biology. I am really interested in computer-generated design and art and I am really excited to use my skills for the Center for Circadian Biology here at UCSD. When I am not at school or making art, I am taking a long run or exercising my culinary skills.

Pablo Gomez-Lauria
I’m a fourth year student of a multidisciplinary degree in technology at UNAM in Queretaro, Mexico. I’ll be at UC San Diego as an international exchange student for two quarters (Winter & Spring 2016). I’m interested in understanding how science and research can positively impact society. Science communication, within educational institutions and to the general public, is one of the main ways they this can be achieved. I believe that working in collaboration between disciplines we are more likely to get better and richer results. I appreciate the opportunity to participate in the BioClock Studio because I think our objectives are important and the approach to solve them is even better!

Curie Kim
I am a fourth year Communication Major, minoring in STS (Science, Technology and Society) and English Literature. I am one of two students who participated in the first BioClock Studio class in winter 2015 and returned this year. I am interested in how scientists deliver their findings and inform the public about scientific issues. I am fascinated by circadian biology and am currently conducting an honors thesis on night-shift nurses and the social sacrifices they make as night-shift workers. I enjoy being involved in student organizations and planning creative events. During my free time, I enjoy taking pictures, practicing yoga, snowboarding, hiking, playing golf, and looking for hip restaurants and cafes to go to.

Peixi Chen
As I concluded my undergraduate studies in Physiology and Neuroscience, I became involved in a research project in a research lab, which aims to utilize shRNAs to selectively silence mutated G93A superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) genes to establish a treatment for a type of familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). ALS is an adult-onset neurodegenerative disease with loss of motor neurons, which later leads to motor dysfunction and ultimately, paralysis and death. Generating a potential treatment for ALS will not only provide an understanding of how this particular disease progresses, but also give a broad idea of how nervous system diseases develop in general. Besides exploring CNS-related diseases, I am also interested in learning about other areas of biological science. This is the reason which brought me to the BioClock Studio.

Cuong Lieu
I am a 4th year microbiology student who transferred to UC San Diego from City College of San Francisco in 2014. Currently, I am working in Dr. Susan Golden’s lab, investigating the protein-protein interactions that are components of the network of input/output in the circadian system of cyanobacteria, allowing the circadian oscillator to entrain to environmental cues. I originally enrolled in the “Circadian Rhythms-Biological Clocks” course in fall 2015 in order to gain a deeper understanding of my work. In my time in the class, I found myself deeply engaged in the flipped classroom environment. As a non-traditional student, the traditional lecture format was always a challenge for me, and I appreciate a learning environment that is more interactive and accommodating for students with different learning styles. Through the BioClock Studio course, I am hoping to contribute to this effort to simplify scientific knowledge and develop a curriculum that is both engaging and accommodating to a diverse student demographic.

Victoriah Nudell
Hello there! I’m a third year undergraduate student in Revelle college, majoring in Biochemistry and Cell Biology with a minor in Cognitive Science. Currently, I work as a laboratory assistant in Dr. Elina Zuniga’s lab where I assist postdoctoral researchers with immunology experiments on the topic of acute versus chronic viral infections. In fall quarter 2015 I took the “Circadian Rhythms – Biological Clocks” (BIMM116) class with Drs. Gorman and Golden and really enjoyed it! I hope that my experience in the lab and my interest in this topic can help the future students of BIMM 116 have an even better learning experience and a deeper appreciation for circadian rhythms.

Omar Romero
I’m a fourth year undergraduate student in Biology. My goal is to apply what I have learned in Circadian Biology to the BioClock Studio and contribute to any part of the course that I think could be improved. I work in a molecular biology lab where I study hormone regulatory networks in plants and how they affect form and function. In my free time, I enjoy going on long hikes and skateboarding around campus!

Gerry Xie
Hi, I’m Gerry. I’m a senior undergraduate Communications major. With a strong background in communication theory and media production, I plan to contribute as much as I can to the BioClock Studio’s educational content and inform their outreach efforts from a humanities perspective. My personal fascination with sleep research first inspired my decision to enroll in this class. Having been introduced the goals and mission of the BioClock Studio, I’m even more stoked to work with the studio through this course. I’m now eager to apply my skills in translating the “hard” science of biological clocks into easily accessible, informative, and engaging content for other fellow undergraduates.