Entrainment Simulator
Explore basic concepts of circadian entrainment, phase response curves, and phase shifts with our Entrainment Simulator
Cellular Oscillators
Learn about "clocks in a dish," and how in vitro mammalian clocks can be used to study circadian rhythms
Circadian Clock-Controlled Genes Part 1
An introductory tutorial video on the mechanisms of mammalian molecular circadian clock regulation, and how the clock regulates other genes.
Mammalian Molecular Entrainment to Light and Networks
Learn how light information alters the molecular circadian clock to promote entrainment
Interview with Dr. Lance Kriegsfeld
Hear Dr. Kriegsfeld discuss circadian rhythms and neuroendocrinology
The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus: Lesion & Transplant Experiments
Learn about landmark experiments that demonstrated the role of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in circadian rhythms