The BioClock Studio and BioClock Workshop were created by Dr. Susan Golden at the University of California, San Diego. In 2015, she was awarded a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor award for her innovative idea to create a course where undergraduates from a range of disciplines would create classroom materials for undergraduates learning about Circadian Biology. The course ran for five years as the undergraduate BioClock Studio (’15, ’16, ’17, ’19, ’20), and for two years as the Master’s level BioClock Workshop (’21, ’22).
To learn more about the BioClock Studio, watch the “BioClock-umentry”, created by participants in the Winter 2016 BioClock Studio, and was produced by Victoriah Nudell (herself a student participant in 2016).
The BioClock Studio Documentary Part 1: What is the BioClock Studio?
The BioClock Studio Documentary Part 2: Workshops
The BioClock Studio Documentary Part 3: What does the BioClock Studio produce?
The BioClock Studio Documentary Part 4: Symposium
The BioClock Studio Documentary Part 5: What is the impact of the BioClock Studio?